Close Ties
Leadership Program
We rely on generous donations in order to fulfill our mission of closing the opportunity gap for Black boys by cultivating leaders through exposure, mentorship, and service. We appreciate donations in any amount via the three options below:
Option 1: PayPal
Representation matters. We are looking for Black men who have turned their passions into professions who would like to share their story with our boys. If you are, or know someone who may be interested, please complete the form below. You will receive a reply via email regarding next steps. Thank you!
If you can not donate or demonstrate, feel free to disseminate! Share our story and the work that we do with your networks so we can continue to fulfill our mission.
Option 2: CashApp ($CloseTies) or scan the QR Code below

Close Ties
Leadership Program

Option 3: Text "Close Ties" to
44-321 to donate via phone!
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